We at Johnson O’Connor know that when deciding where to begin your career, hearing from current employees can help you decide whether the Firm is a good fit for you. Here are some things that our JO team members have to say…

“Johnson O’Connor is a place that I feel my work and time are both appreciated and valued. I have always felt like part of a big team. Everyone is always willing to help you out and wants you to succeed both personally and professionally.”
Jaimie Adelizzi
Staff Accountant
“JO provides me with the feeling of belonging to a high functioning team. It is a collaborative and supportive workplace that recognizes and values your hard work and dedication. It is a firm that has been fully invested in my professional growth from day one and wants to see me succeed.”
Jeff Zhao, CPA

“Johnson O’Connor is a place where the values of Respect, Integrity, Teamwork and Excellence are displayed every day. It is truly a ‘practice what you preach’ environment and the success of each individual is fostered through encouragement and positive direction.”
Kimberly Stewart
Senior Accounting Associate
“Johnson O’Connor is a place that offers an enjoyable and engaging work environment. Everyone here is always there to help and support you. Every day is a new opportunity to learn and grow as a professional.”
Parth Patel
Senior Accountant

JO Recruiting Updates – We’re Hiring!
In addition for hiring for our 2022 starting class, we are currently looking for tax managers (8-10 years’ experience), NFP audit managers/supervisors (6+ years) and seniors (3-5 years’ experience) to join our team! If interested, please make sure to send both your cover letter and resume to Michele Carucci at apply@johnsonoconnor.com.
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To learn more about Johnson O’Connor’s current employment opportunities, visit our website.